
The Youth Mission Trip needs supplies. Please see the list below and see if you have anything to loan. Contact Joseph for more info.

[email protected]

Weekly Events


  Sunday School - 9:15 a.m.

  Worship - 10:30 a.m.

  Youth (Inside Out) - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday,  June 9

9:15am Sunday School

10:30am  Worship

5pm Youth


Monday June 10

7pm Boy Scouts


Tuesday, June11

3:30pm Probation


Wednesday, June 12

9:30am Sit & Sew


Thursday, June 13

 Friday, June 14

 Saturday, June 15


 Sunday, June 6

Father’s Day

9:15am Sunday School

10:30am  Worship

5pm Youth



Red Wagon Needs:

Packaged Crackers


Prayer Requests

© Bill Wing

© Sean Doyle

© Suman Gamadia

© Betty Mendoza

© Larry Harrison (Newmans’s Son)

© Family of Gene Hildinger


Continued Prayers

© Bob Skinner

© Earl Harris

© Billie Coleman

© Jim Devenport

© Lynda Devenport

© Cathy Bourgoin

© Trenda Barber






Shut - Ins

© Arlene Lowe

© Beth Black

© Clarice Mason

© David Hardy

© David Reeves

© Faye & James Nabors

© Gene Hildinger

© Gerald Davis

© Helen Lowe

© Janet Raimo

© Joyce Gross

© June Peters

© Lou & Bill Hardy

© Marty Garrett

© Marla Hill

© Nadine White

© Nimu Parmar

© Peggy Harkey

© Rudy Mueller

© Suman Gamadia



If you have any questions regarding involvement at St. Philip's UMC, we would love to hear from you! You may contact us using the information below.

René Lawson

Senior Pastor

972-271-9565 office

940-231-0710 answering service

[email protected]

Joseph & Jennifer Goodson

Directors of Youth & Children’s Ministries

[email protected]

[email protected]


Misty Gilmore

Office Manager

[email protected]



Office Hours

Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday: 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Thursday: No Office Hours

Friday: No Office Hours


Do you feel led to give?

Did you know there other payment options for your tithes and offerings?

We are now accepting PayPal! Just visit our website (www.spumc.org) and follow the links.

A PayPal account is not necessary to use this feature. And, to make it even easier, you can also set up an automatic draft! Paperwork for automatic draft is available at the office: call (972) 271-9565.


Offering Envelopes

Many of you get offering envelopes in the mail. We are doing an audit to verify that they are being used. If you are currently using them thank you so much because this makes money counting go much smoother. If you receive them but are not planning on using them please contact the office so we can stop delivering them to you. If you do not get them and would like to please contact the office.