Soup and Singing

Join the youth this Sunday after service in the Fellowship Hall.

They will be serving soup/cornbread/dessert. Donations will be accepted to help with the Norville Children’s Home Christmas Mission Trip.


NTX Food Bank Work Day

The Missions team needs your help on

Saturday, December 17th. They will be working at the NTX Food Bank from 1-3:30pm. If you would like to car pool please arrive by 12 Noon at the church. Remember to wear close toed shoes. Please let Kim know if can join them.


 Teddy Bear Donations

Thank you to everyone who donated teddy bears.

We were able to send 62 bears.


Handley Coats

Thank you to everyone who donated Coats.

We met the schools need with 67 coats. 


Donations in Lieu of Poinsettias

 Be sure to submit your request no later than December than 18th.


 Trip to Israel

Dan Carroll will be leading a trip to the

Holy Land June 5-14, 2017. 

If anyone is interested to please contact Dan at [email protected]


 New Church Office Hours

The church office hours will be as follows:

Monday-Wednesday 8am-4pm

The office will be closed the rest of the time.

If you need immediate assistance please call

Pastor Jerry.


Young Life

We need your help feeding the youth at the Monday night meeting.

Please contact Amie for details.



Prayer Requests 

Ann Cooper

Anne Seidenberg-Jones - Kidney Transplant

Barbara & Gene Hildinger

Bill Hardy

Cassidy Barrett - Leukemia

Charles Jennings - Fell

Cheri Basham - breast cancer

Cheryl Bales - Breast Cancer

Darlene Cline

David Hardy - cancer

David Reeves - hospice care

Donnie Huddleston - Leukemia & Parkinson's

Irma Moore - fell

Greg Mills—Brain Tumor

Hazel Irby

James Johnson

James Nabors

Janet Woods - ovarian cancer

Jeannine Mulkey-Mason - Cancer

 Joanie Torres - Stage 3 breast cancer

Joseph Pontbriand - cancer

Joyce Gross’ son - Leukemia

Joyce Gross - heart and kidney trouble.

Kim Curry - cancer in both breasts

Kyle Young

Laura Arnolds - cirrhosis of the liver, torn ACL

Lyle De Cuir - Hospice

Marshall Daniel - prostate cancer

Margie Beggs - Ovarian and Liver Cancer

Marty Garrett

Mica Moore - surgery

Millie Cason - ALS

Molly Case - Breast Cancer

 Nancy Thogmartin - major heart issues

Pat (Sharon Weisel’s sister)

Ralph Lawley - Cancer

Ronnie Truitt - Organ Transplant

Sarah Girgis - rare form of cancer

Sharon Weisel

Suzanne Stanley - dialysis

 Theresa Conaway - Huntington's Disease

Trenda Barber

Virginia - bronchial tube cancer

Yolanda Pena

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, December 4

10:30am - Worship Service

Youth Fundraiser

2pm Leon of Judah

7:05pm iSpy Youth


Monday December 5

7-9pm Boy Scouts

7pm Young Life


Tuesday  December 6

7pm Mission Meeting


Wednesday December 7

6:00 Praise Team

6:30 Men’s Chorus

7:00 Choir Rehearsal


Thursday  December 8


Friday December 9

9:30am JAM


Saturday December 10

Meet Him At The Manger

Youth Norville Trip


12/11 Choir Musical

12/17 NTX Food Bank

12/18 FH Booked

1/3 9am Decoration Take Down